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AOP Member Login

Affiliated Company
For creative services, seeking access to the professional photographer market

AOP Affiliated Company opportunities can include...

  • Advertorial content and/or logo in Focus, the AOP e-newsletter

  • Opportunity to launch products, hold networking evenings, webinars or demonstrations
  • Free banner advert on the AOP website
  • Welcome message across our social media network
  • Direct-email campaigns to members promoting products, services, and events. 
  • Complimentary copy of the AOP Awards book, additional copies at discounted rates
  • Complimentary access to the AOP Awards ceremony, additional tickets at member-discounted rates
  • Listing in the AOP Affiliated Company directory, with link to your own individual company page and profile
  • Additional listing in the AOP Find a Service directory
  • Free Access Membership for any authorised employees.
  • Free Job Shop postings on the AOP website to advertise your vacancies and opportunities
  • AOP Affiliated Company logo

Contact us for a discussion on how we can tailor a package to suit your needs, either by email or call us on 0207 739 6669

As an Affiliated Company, you receive exclusive access to our community

  • Over 3,000 members
  • 30,000+ Focus newsletter subscribers
  • 11,000 Facebook followers
  • 14,000 Twitter ('X') followers
  • 20,000 Instagram followers
  • 60,000 Linkedin followers
  • 130,000 unique visitors with 500,000 unique page views on this website

[*figures above accurate as at May 2024]

Criteria and Terms and Conditions of Membership

You will be expected to abide by the AOP Members' Charter and the AOP Code of Practice which you should read here before applying.

By joining, you commit to a minimum term of membership of 12 months. This will be renewed automatically on its anniversary unless you give one calendar month's notice in writing to


Fill in an application form or get in touch with us today!

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