Open College of the Arts
Final Year Show 2021
26 July to 31 August 2021
BA (Hons) Photography at Open College of the Arts (OCA) supports students to develop and apply their creative and technical skills to critically explore the shifting boundaries of photography, emerging practices and wider contexts. Our learning community fosters a spirit of mutual support, critical friendship and experimentation.
Open College of the Arts is the UK’s only specialist creative arts fully distance learning provider. This sets us apart from traditional ‘bricks and mortar’ because it’s at the heart of our whole curriculum design. Flexible learning means you can study part-time from anywhere in the world, at a time and pace to suit.
Our creative learning community is unique —students come from all walks of life, all ages and experiences. Lived and professional experience informs how we understand and use photography. Tutors are expert practitioners working in photographic, creative and cultural sectors around the UK.
Our course supports development of skills, techniques, creative practice, research, critical thinking and individual direction. These skills enable our graduates to understand the value of the image in digital culture, to produce inspiring and engaging work and develop a sustainable personal practice that is informed and meaningful.
If you are curious to find out more please visit us online and connect.
Finally, a huge congratulations to all the final year students included here and we hope you enjoy our online showcase!
Programme Leader: Dr. Dan Robinson SFHEA,
BA (Hons) Photography Course information
Twitter: @BAPhotoOCA