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Max Jowitt wins Best Shot

7 May 2013

Congratulations to Max Jowitt a first year photography student of digital photography at Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication, one of the AOP's affiliated courses.

Max is the winner of Canon's 'Best Shot' competition awarded during the recent London Fashion Weekend at which student photographers were given catwalk access. As well as some impressive Canon kit Max's prize includes a two-day pass as an accredited photographer at September's London Fashion Week.

Julian Hawkins, Max's course leader and tutor, comments; 'Max has purposefully entered into the spirit of Digital Photography BA by proactively shooting his own projects outside of college work. He's also seeking industry experience by assisting and interning and is developing a clear vision of where he wants to go with his photography career.'

Max concludes; "I was given a truly brilliant experience that allowed me to try something completely new and put my own spin on catwalk fashion photography."

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