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The Art of Public Speaking Course
Monday 18 January, Monday 25 January, 11:00 - 13:00, Zoom Workshop

Helen Stella

Helen Pointer has been teaching, training and motivating audiences for many years all over the world. Giving talks on art history & portraiture, presentation and interview skills and inspiring people to reach their full potential as public speakers.  AOP member Stella Scordellis recently overcame her fear of public speaking with the expert guidance of Helen, together they have created The Toucan Agency to help others achieve this skill to feel confident when presenting in front of others.


The art of public speaking course is designed for six people who have already taken part in the taster class and are keen to learn how to deliver a memorable pitch or presentation with the most impact – especially nowadays as we are increasing presenting online.


The course consists of two x 2 hour Zoom classes – the first on Monday 18 January and the second on Monday 25 January, both at 11AM - 1PM.


We ask you to prepare a 5 minute presentation to share with the group for the first class. Tuition will be given individually and collectively. Your final presentation will take place during the second class, a week later. Please be prepared to film yourself as you give your speech.


AOP Members £150

Non-Members £175

Please note that you are booking onto two dates. To get the full value of the course, you must attend both dates.

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