The broad range of AOP activities are organised and managed by the Staff, under the guidance of the Chief Executive Officer and Board and they follow the priorities set out in the Association's Strategic Plan.
Working Groups meet at the beginning of a project to provide input, before implementation and after the project has been completed to review its success and effectiveness. Some may meet regularly, this will depend on the nature of the project or activity.
Standing Committees exist on a more permanent basis to underpin the fundamental activities of finance and employment withing the Association.
If you are interested in participating in a project, or have any ideas/suggestions, please contact the Chief Executive Officer.
AOP Awards
Richard Seymour, AOP Accredited Photographer Member; Wendy Carrig, AOP Accredited Photographer member; Faye Thomas, AOP Borad Director and Accredited Photographer member; Agent members, Waldo Wilkinson of Morgan Lockyer, James Gerrard-Jones of Wyatt Clarke Jones; Isabelle Doran, AOP CEO and Suzanne McDougall, AOP Marketing Manager
The Working Group covers the activities and organisation of the AOP Awards.
Business & Legal Advice
The Working Group is led by AOP Head of Business and Legal, Nick Dunmur, along with Hamish Crooks (AOP Chair), Isabelle Doran, AOP CEO and Charles Swan of Swan Turton.
The Working Group covers all aspects of the business & legal advice service and replies to both UK Government and wider consultations.
Chaired by AOP Photographer & Board Member, Adam Shaw with input from academics from our Accredited Courses, notably, Geraint Cunnick, Paul Wenham-Clark, Zoe Korda, Trudie Ballantyne and Gretchen Geraets with support from AOP Head of Business & Legal, Nick Dunmur.
The Working Group covers the educational activities undertaken by the AOP on behalf of its Students and Accredited Courses.
Employment (Standing Committee)
This Standing Committee is a sub-group of the Board and involves AOP Board members Hamish Crooks (also Chair of AOP), AOP Agent member Hat Margolies, AOP CEO Isabelle Doran, AOP Accredited Photographer, Richard Seymour and AOP Head of Business and Legal, Nick Dunmur.
Finance (Standing Committee)
This Standing Committee is a sub-group of the Board and currently involves Hamish Crooks (as Chair), Marc Jason of AEL Markhams (AOP's accountants), AOP Affiliate Member, Alexander Coates of Currency UK; AOP CEO, Isabelle Doran; and Finance Manager, Yaa Taylor.
The Standing Committee looks at the manner in which the AOP runs and report its finances. It provides help, advice and a forum at which we can discuss ways in which we might improve the manner in which we operate, from a financial point of view.
Led by AOP Communications and Events Co-ordinator, Suzanne McDougall.
This Working Group looks at the marketing of the AOP, its members and activities through all media and social networking
f22 - Women Photographers at the AOP
This Working Group involves Agent member Tabatha Fireman, Chair, and AOP photographer members Karen Yeomans, Nicola Tree, Chantel King, and Eleanor Church.
The Working Group provides input on f22 - Women Photographers at the AOP. Working for fairness in the representation of women photographers.
Colourful AOP - Photographers of colour at the AOP
This Working Group involves AOP Board members, Gandee Vasan and Ira Gioretti, AOP Finance Manager, Yaa Taylor, as well as AOP photographer members Emli Bendixen, Louise Hagger, Michelle Marshall and Francis Augusto, and Agent member Darren Sital-Singh.
The role of this Working Group is to increase awareness of photographers of colour by making both them and their work more visible within the industry.
Assisting Photographers
This Working Group involves AOP Board members, Ira Gioretti (Chair) and Adam Shaw, along with Accredited Photographer member Sarah Hogan, and AOP Member Servcies Administrator, Chris Mackins.
The aim of this Working Group is to support Assisting Photographers in delivering and maintaining their role within the image-making industry. Two key webinar events are held during the year, one in April promoting Getting into Assisting and one in November promoting Best Practice in the industry.
Members of this working group are AOP Membership Services Adminstrator Chris Mackins; AOP CEO, Isabelle Doran; Board and Agent member Hat Margolies; Board member and Accredited Photographer Holly McGlynn; Accredited Photographer Carol Sharp; Accredited Photographer Kai Bastard, Bad Star Studios; and Affiliate member Angus Light of Locate Productions.
The purpose of this Working Group is to provide guidance and oversee the AOP strategy on matters relating to sustainability and best practice within the membership and influence an industry-wide approach.