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Mark Harrison

Photographer Overview

A lifetime as a portrait photographer shooting the famous, the notorious, and the, well just plain interesting..

Mixing corporate work with editorial alongside advertising- my working life includes clients such as The Times Magazine, Compass Group, BBC, Burberry, Conde Nast, Spotify, Waitrose and The Macallan.

The National Portrait Gallery hold several of my images, and I am a winner in the Portrait of Britain awards for 2016/2017/2018/19 +2021, as well as selected for the 2018 Portrait Salon and shortlisted for the Sony Awards (Open) in 2024.

I'm also Gold Winner of AOP Black Culture (Open) award in 2021.

One of my most notable assignments to date, was to cover the Prince Andrew/Newsnight interview for the BBC at Buckingham Palace- even though I had no idea why I was there, until they let me into the room..

The resulting photos graced the covers of most of the world's news media and seem to still resonate today, as the story continues with Netflix and Amazon dramas in 2024- if you want to see what I (don't) look like..

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