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David Valinsky

Photographer Overview

My background is in architecture and architectural history, a combined experience that informs the way I approach the representation of spaces and buildings.

My photography has received awards and recognition from national and international organisations including Architizer and the Twentieth Century Society. It has helped new projects across the UK to win architectural awards and it has appeared in the print and digital press, from national newspapers such as The Guardian, to journals and magazines.

I set up David Valinsky Photography in 2019 with a passion for representing good architecture of all ages. Since then I have had the pleasure of documenting buildings from historical treasures to mould-breaking new work for a broad range of clients: architects, contractors, building owners, even furniture designers.

I start from an understanding of a building’s form, its spaces, materials and details. Guided by a brief, I photograph with the ever-changing natural light as it brings these aspects to the fore.

I develop each image individually to bring out the formal and textural qualities of the subject, ensuring that the images on the page fulfill their potential.

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