Photographer Overview
Pawel Libera is a highly respected photographer with over 30 years of experience in the field of travel and tourism advertising photography. Specializing in both still images and time-lapse videos, his work has been featured by some of the world's most renowned brands and institutions.
With a passion for both digital and analogue photographic techniques, Pawel's work is a stunning blend of traditional and contemporary styles. His personal work delves into historic methods like platinum-palladium printing, bringing a unique and artistic touch to his images.
Throughout his career, Pawel has collaborated with a wide range of global brands, including Apple, Google, and Disney.
He has also received prestigious commissions, such as photographing the Royal Wedding of the Prince and Princess of Wales in 2011, and his work has been featured in prestigious collections, such as The Royal Collection and The Royal Institute of British Architects Collection.
Pawel's expertise in travel and tourism advertising photography has also led him to work with various tourism boards, including Visit Britain, Visit London, and Visit Wales. He has an ongoing decades-long partnership with the Royal Collection Trust and the Royal Household, creating images used to promote the Summer Opening of the State Rooms at Buckingham Palace and The Royal Mews and used on postage stamps.
With his work widely used in print, online, and on TV, including programs like Britain's Got Talent, Pawel is a very respected photographer demonstrating a unique blend of creativity and technical mastery that continues to captivate audiences worldwide.