Photographer Overview
A photographer with over 25 years experience, Karl is commissioned by leading global companies for his precise attention to detail and exquisite control of light.
Karl’s work covers advertising, beauty and fashion photography but having started his career in photojournalism he is also comfortable and actively enjoys shooting across a range of genres. Karl’s ethos is that ‘variety is the spice of life’ and that 'the visual philosophies for creating effective images are universal'. Karl's approach to work is part science, part art and he has dedicated many years of study to the biology of human visual perception in order to create more impactful and effective images.
Twelve years ago Karl launched his platform for photography education and he soon became known for his ability to explain complex subjects extremely clearly. His unique way of teaching and clear instruction has led him to work as a consultant and presenter for, Hasselblad Camera Company, Broncolor Lighting and Adobe as well as appearances on the BBC. His training is also used by top universities and education providers around the world.
Training and education: www.karltayloreducation.com
Commercial: www.karltaylor.com