Past Exhibition
Spotlight - Portraiture
Curated by Curious Productions
21st Feb - 16th March 2018
Our AOP Spotlight invites guest curators to showcase a selection of AOP Photographer member's images that they have found using our FIND a Photographer search function under their chosen theme. This month we hand over to AOP Affiliate Company member Curious Productions, who have curated this gorgeous selection of images.
"I have chosen portraiture, mainly because I like looking at people, trying to get an idea of what they are like and wondering if the picture has captured their personality. A good portrait can do that, I remember a great shot of Michael Heseltine, shot slightly from above ( I think it was by Nigel Parry but can’t recall). Heseltine’s bouffant and cragged brow spoke of both his seriousness and sizeable ego.
On the other hand a portrait can leave you with a lot more questions than answers, two kids, arms around shoulders, I’ve no idea who they are, yet the picture intrigues me
I really enjoyed scrolling through the AOP’s find function, I’ve chosen famous people to unknowns, fashion to documentary, it’s all there and more besides.
Then there’s Frank Sidebottom with little Frank, a lesson in not taking anything too seriously."
-Alastair Thompson, Curious Productions
©Mads Perch