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Douglas Fisher

Photographer Overview

Douglas' working life has been based in photography since the mid eighties, when he became an assistant to advertising photographer Harry Scotting. After a brief spell assisting and as an in house studio photographer he struck out on his own.

By the mid-nineties Doug had become a strong advocate of the digital aspects of photography, investing in digital retouching and adopting the latest technologies. At the end of the nineties Doug has started to experiment with the world of 3d.

Since then Doug has incorporated techniques from both film and photography and continues to excel in all things image making.

Doug's images speak for themselves - highly finished with great attention to detail, which characterises his work. He specialises in the art of photo compositing applying his knowledge and skills to create some wonderfully polished images.

His unique way of working is ideally suited to digital photography, using the latest techniques in both 2d and 3d environments.

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